We're gratefully accepting donations to the General Fund and the Manabigama Kiln Fund.
The General Fund is used for the general operating expenses of the Guild, including operation of the Guild Gallery at the Quednau Hindman House (the Yellow House) located in the Punta Gorda History Park (which offers members an opportunity to demonstrate their craft and sell their works at the History Park's Sunday Art Market), the cost of workshops presented by nationally-recognized potters (we're currently in talks with various ceramic artists to present workshops or demonstrations in Punta Gorda for the 2024/2025 season), and expenses of participating in and presenting art shows.
The Manabigama Kiln Fund is raising funds to build a wood fire kiln at the Punta Gorda History Park. See details on this Fund below.
Please indicate in the comments section which fund you would like to support.
Manabigama Kiln Project
"Manabigama" is Japanese for "beautiful learning kiln". A Manabigama Kiln is a small, wood fire kiln that produces a diverse range of atmospheric and ash glaze effects in a relatively short firing time. The SWFL Potters Guild is currently raising funds to build this kiln in Punta Gorda, FL, and will offer community firings and wood fire workshops.
A Manabigama Kiln offers potters a complete, hands-on experience, from the preparation, loading, and unloading of the kiln to the final clean-up phase.
We currently have the majority of the necessary highfire brick, the value of which equates to 40% ($10,000) of the anticipated cost of $25,000 to build and equip the Manabigama Wood Fire Kiln. We need the additional $15,000 for the following (which could also be accepted as donated materials):
Concrete slab; Concrete block; kiln shelves; posts; the materials for the covering structure, including a closed shed to secure kiln shelves and posts; tools; glazes; and Raku equipment.
Collected: | $150.00 |
Goal: | $15,000.00 |